We are well in to 2018 and the financial year is coming close to its end. You should have an indication of how you want to take your business going forward. In our previous blog we talked about goals and achieving them with your strengths and opportunities. This time around we talk about the best ways to expanding your business.


We are finding this is the time of year a lot of our clients are needing budgets and cashflows. A detailed cashflow can inform you when cash is available to spend or if cash is running low ahead of time. Knowing this ahead of time can avert any crisis and indicate to you when action is needed so you are well prepared.


Knowing your cashflow needs at least a year in advance will give you a more accurate picture of your finances. Regular maintenance of this important as you don’t want to rely on old figures in this ever changing environment.


Budgets are equally as important as a cashflow. If you have expansion plans in mind, then you need to master your budget. Are you looking to get a second office? Or are you looking to get a bigger office?, do you need new equipment.   Having an up to date budget can give you clarification on which may be the best way to expand your business. Budgeting is also a great way to indicate where overheads may need to be cut down. You may be over spending on some things but then neglecting the investment in other departments of your business. This is where a budget will help balance your business.


With any expansion plans you may have, you’ll need the cash to back it up. There are many ways to obtain the finance, but the most conventional way is to get a bank loan. With your cashflow and budgets shiny and polished will keep the bank manager sweet. You can then enforce your plans to expand and grow!

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Super-deduction Relief

The UK Government announced a new capital allowances relief. From 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2023, companies investing in qualifying new plant and machinery assets will be able to claim:

  • 130% super-deduction capital allowance on qualifying plant and machinery investments
  • 50% first-year allowance for qualifying special rate assets

This super-deduction is designed to promote companies to invest in productivity enhancing plant and machinery. It is important businesses understand and take advantage of these generous new reliefs while they are available.

The super-deduction will allow companies to cut their tax bill by up to 25p for every £1 they invest, ensuring the UK capital allowances regime is amongst the world’s most competitive. There is no upper limit set for the expenditure, so as long the expenditure is incurred between 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2023. The enhanced relief also does not allow for plant and machinery that will be made available for leasing (including landlord fixtures within rented property) and excludes cars.


The pandemic has been a big blow for a lot of businesses, if you have been looking at equipment to help you grow, now may be the time to use this relief. If you are not sure on whether it is the right time to make a purchase, or if the equipment qualifies for the super-deduction relief, message us on nicola@crossaccountingservice.co.uk or if you would prefer to chat, call Cardiff: 02920 653 995 or Bridgend: 01656 530 063. Our team is always happy to help.

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